© joseph agius 2021

This is my testimony of how I believe God sent me back to continue his work here on earth after having three heart attacks in few days. THREE HEART ATTACKS The first heart attack was while I was sleeping in bed. I did not wake up my wife and never mentioned it to her; I was unsure what happened anyway. I tried to live healthily and exercised regularly. However, on November 29, 2019, I had my second heart attack while I was jog- ging. Although it was not as severe at the first one, I became concerned because I was unsure what I was experiencing. I managed to get back home, shower, and go to bed. Nevertheless, I was feeling ill, and late afternoon I decided to go to the nearest health center. I walked 2km to arrive there. I thought walking would help. I was not sure what I was feeling. At the health center, the doctor became concerned and sent me to the hospital. The doctor wanted to call the ambu- lance, but I told her that my wife would pick me up. However, I could not reach her on the phone and walked another two km to the hospital. I do not know how I man- aged to arrive, but I nearly collapsed as I arrived at the emergency department. TWO OPERATIONS As soon as one of the leading cardiologists in Malta examined me during the night, he sent me for an operation to insert two stents put. They managed to insert only one, and after the intervention, they took me to a cardiology ward. The surgeon told me that soon the pain I was experiencing would subdue; however, I started experi- encing increasing chest pain instead of subduing. The pain became unbearable, I was feeling cold and shaking, and tense. The nurses noticed something was wrong and called specialists to assist me. Those around my bed, including me, thought I was about to expire. I had three cardiologists working on me and several nurses giving me medication according to doctors’ instructions. At one point, I knew I was about to die. MY “NEAR” DEATH EXPERIENCE Suddenly, the room vanished, and all I could see was a yellow/orange place. I could see the faces of Christine, my wife, and my three boys feeling as if I am saying good- bye to them. Then, I turned my head sideways, and I remember saying, “Lord, I have not completed the vision you gave me!” Then whether it was my imagination or God speaking, I do not know, but I felt a voice saying, “I am sending you back, and you are going to complete it.” When I open my eyes again (I think they where closed before), I found myself back in the hospital ward. The nurses and doctors seemed to be relieved and were encouraging me that all will be well soon. Then they took me to a Critical Cardio Unit (CCU). However, while I was there and Christine beside me, the pain came rushing in, and the surgeon came to see me and took me back to the oper- ation table. I had two heart interventions in the space of few hours. TESTIMONIES After the operation, three of those assisting in the operation took me back to the CCU. They happened to be two Pakistani and one Italian Christians. They knew I was a Christian because they heard me give my testimony to the surgeon before the first operation. They told Christine, who was allowed to wait outside the operating room, that I am an answered prayer because I should not be here anymore. At the CCU, two doctors on separate occasions told me that I should thank God that he has a plan for me because I should not be here. When I visited my general practitioner after I was released from the hospital, he repeated the very same words. A few days after, I went for a hospital check-up. While I was there, I went back to the CCU to thank the doctors and nurses there. They immediately recognized me and told me that I had frightened them! Therefore, I am very confident that it was God that I felt, saying I am coming back to complete His plan for me. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE TO YOU? I am not sure if this makes sense to people, but it certainly does to me. My life changed in many positive ways; I became more and more considerate to people’s needs and serving God with a sense of assurance that only after I completed His plan for me on earth will He then call me home. More than before, I want to train as many people as possible to carry on the work I am doing after my time here on earth expires. I am now walking and jogging 10km nearly daily, eating healthier, and carrying less body weight. In other words, I feel healthier than before I was before the experience above. Glory be to God!


© joseph agius 2021

This is my testimony of how I believe God sent me back to con- tinue his work here on earth after having three heart attacks in few days. THREE HEART ATTACKS The first heart attack was while I was sleeping in bed. I did not wake up my wife and never men- tioned it to her; I was unsure what happened anyway. I tried to live healthily and exer- cised regularly. However, on November 29, 2019, I had my sec- ond heart attack while I was jog- ging. Although it was not as severe at the first one, I became concerned because I was unsure what I was experiencing. I man- aged to get back home, shower, and go to bed. Nevertheless, I was feeling ill, and late afternoon I decided to go to the nearest health center. I walked 2km to arrive there. I thought walking would help. I was not sure what I was feeling. At the health center, the doctor became concerned and sent me to the hospital. The doctor wanted to call the ambulance, but I told her that my wife would pick me up. However, I could not reach her on the phone and walked another two km to the hospital. I do not know how I managed to arrive, but I nearly collapsed as I arrived at the emergency department. TWO OPERATIONS As soon as one of the leading car- diologists in Malta examined me during the night, he sent me for an operation to insert two stents put. They managed to insert only one, and after the intervention, they took me to a cardiology ward. The surgeon told me that soon the pain I was experiencing would subdue; however, I started experiencing increasing chest pain instead of subduing. The pain became unbearable, I was feeling cold and shaking, and tense. The nurses noticed something was wrong and called specialists to assist me. Those around my bed, including me, thought I was about to expire. I had three cardiologists working on me and several nurses giving me medication according to doctors’ instructions. At one point, I knew I was about to die. MY “NEAR” DEATH EXPERIENCE Suddenly, the room vanished, and all I could see was a yellow/orange place. I could see the faces of Christine, my wife, and my three boys feeling as if I am saying goodbye to them. Then, I turned my head sideways, and I remember saying, “Lord, I have not completed the vision you gave me!” Then whether it was my imagination or God speaking, I do not know, but I felt a voice saying, “I am sending you back, and you are going to complete it.” When I open my eyes again (I think they where closed before), I found myself back in the hospital ward. The nurses and doctors seemed to be relieved and were encourag- ing me that all will be well soon. Then they took me to a Critical Cardio Unit (CCU). However, while I was there and Christine beside me, the pain came rushing in, and the surgeon came to see me and took me back to the operation table. I had two heart interven- tions in the space of few hours. TESTIMONIES After the operation, three of those assisting in the operation took me back to the CCU. They happened to be two Pakistani and one Italian Christians. They knew I was a Christian because they heard me give my testimony to the surgeon before the first oper- ation. They told Christine, who was allowed to wait outside the operating room, that I am an answered prayer because I should not be here anymore. At the CCU, two doctors on separate occa- sions told me that I should thank God that he has a plan for me because I should not be here. When I visited my general practi- tioner after I was released from the hospital, he repeated the very same words. A few days after, I went for a hos- pital check-up. While I was there, I went back to the CCU to thank the doctors and nurses there. They immediately recognized me and told me that I had frightened them! Therefore, I am very confi- dent that it was God that I felt, saying I am coming back to com- plete His plan for me. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE TO YOU? I am not sure if this makes sense to people, but it certainly does to me. My life changed in many posi- tive ways; I became more and more considerate to people’s needs and serving God with a sense of assurance that only after I completed His plan for me on earth will He then call me home. More than before, I want to train as many people as possible to carry on the work I am doing after my time here on earth expires. I am now walking and jogging 10km nearly daily, eating health- ier, and carrying less body weight. In other words, I feel healthier than before I was before the expe- rience above. Glory be to God!